As I sieve through the tons of data about Post MBA career options and try to figure where I would fit in after 1yr MBA . The need to leverage my past IT (Telecom) experience dictates me to consider High Tech career as an option post MBA. However, the wish to become truly corporate and leverage my problem solving and analytic capabilities guide me towards consulting. Well, If you are wondering why this moron is thinking career options even before joining a college - Hold on!! Remember, I need to write an essay on my career goals Long term and Short term. Hence, the dilemma.
Before I delve into what I wish lets weigh who would choose me, as you see the power lies in the hands of the recruiter . Following is what I heard on a GMAC podcast
High Tech Recruiters: We have lot of openings for MBA's - with sales background. If a guy with technical background wants to get in to this role then he better have a relevant internship.
("Some one Tell me is there a chance to do internship in a integrated 1 yr MBA course")
Consulting Recruiters : We are looking for people with great problem solving skills and affinity towards numbers(who better than an engineer). We also look at how we can leverage their earlier work experience. We have heavy requirements and the ratio of applicants to selected candidates is 100:1 (Pretty encouraging !!)
Now can some one please tell me if consulting works out for s/w engineers with good analytical skills?
hey, MBA for one year is also offered here in the philippines. many indians attend Asian Institute of Management (AIM). i know one from kolkata.
btw, ur blog design is similar to one of my blogs.
all the best!
MBA in one Year! Not sure. I am doing BBA planning to do 2 Year MBA in Australia.
@ Letter Shredder
Ya I checked your blog it looks similar. Well you see only a few decent templates available.
I Have heard about AIM too.
2 yrs if u dont have enough experience . 1 yr if you have decent work ex (read 4-5yrs)
Try US instead of Australia you will end better paid
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